Welcome to the Metapopulation Outbreak Simulation with Agent-based Implementation for Cholera (MOSAIC). The MOSAIC framework simulates the transmission dynamics of cholera in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and provides tools to understand the impact of interventions, such as vaccination, as well as large-scale drivers like climate change. MOSAIC is built using the Light-agent Spatial Model for ERadication (LASER) platform, and this site serves as documentation for the model’s methods and associated analyses. Please note that MOSAIC is currently under development, so content may change regularly. We are sharing it here to increase visibility and welcome feedback on any aspect of the model.
MOSAIC is developed by a team of researchers at the Institute for Disease Modeling (IDM) dedicated to developing modeling methods and software tools that help decision-makers understand and respond to infectious disease outbreaks. This website is currently maintained by John Giles (@gilesjohnr
). For general questions, contact John Giles (john.giles@gatesfoundation.org), Jillian Gauld (jillian.gauld@gatesfoundation.org), and/or Rajiv Sodhi (rajiv.sodhi@gatesfoundation.org).